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What is PNG image ?

Type of format Portable Network Graphics (PNG /ˈpɪŋ/) is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. PNG was created as an improved, non-patented replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), and is the most widely used lossless image compression format on the Internet.


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30 Mathematical symbols

Mathematical symbols: 1. Multiplication ( x ) - गुणा 2. Subtraction ( - ) - घटाना 3. Addition ( + ) - जोड़ना 4. Equals ( = ) - बराबर  5. Division ( ÷ ) - भाग 6. Is greater than (  > ) - से अधिक 7. Is less than ( < ) - से कम 8. Is not equal to ( ≠ ) - के बराबर नहीं  9. Is similar to ( ~ ) - के जैसा 10. Is congruent to ( ≅ ) -  के  समरूप  11. Infinity (∞) - अनन्तता 12. Implies ( ⇒ ) - संकेत दर्शाना  करना 13. Theta ( θ )  a plane angle 14. Empty set ( Ø ) - the unique set having no elements 15. Triangle ( Δ ) - त्रिकोण 16. Integral ( ∫ ) - अविभाज्य 17. The intersection of two sets ( ∩ )  18. Union of two sets ( ∪ )  19. Factorial ( ! ) - भाज्य-संबंधी 20. Percent ( % ) - प्रतिशत दर्शाना 21. Right angle ( ∟) - समकोण 22. Angle ( ∠ ) - कोण 23. Sum of ( ∑ ) - का जोड़ 24. Braces (grouping) ( { } ) 25. Brackets ( [ ] ) - ब्रैकेट लगाना 2...

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How to enter the BIOS or CMOS setup?

Because of the wide variety of computer and BIOS manufacturers over the evolution of computers, there are numerous ways to enter the BIOS or CMOS Setup. Below is a listing of most of these methods, as well as other recommendations for entering the BIOS setup. ⚠ Note: Apple, or Mac, computers do not have a BIOS and instead utilize an EFI, which does not need to modified based on the hardware in the computer, like a BIOS. The EFI provides better integration between hardware and software for Apple computers, virtually eliminating the need for a BIOS. ⚠ Note: This document does not help if you cannot enter the CMOS setup with password. New computers Computers manufactured in the last few years allow you to enter the BIOS setup using one of the five keys shown below during the boot process. ⇾  F1 ⇾  F2 * ⇾  F10 ** ⇾  DEL ⇾  ESC * If pressing F2 opens a diagnostics tool, your setup key is likely F10 ** F10 is also used for the boot menu. If F10 ...