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Punctuation marks:

Punctuation marks:

( . ) Period, decimal point (पूर्णविराम): We put a period (.) in the end of the sentence.
He is an American.

( : ) Colon (अपूर्ण विराम): Colons are used between two main clauses in cases where the second clause explains or follows from the first.
We have a motto: live life to the full.

( ! ) Exclamation mark (विस्मयादिबोधक चिह्न): Exclamation marks are usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings or show emphasis.
‘Look up there!’ she yelled.

( ? ) Question mark (प्रश्न चिह्न): Question mark is used to express doubt or uncertainty about something
Have you seen the film yet?

( ' ) Apostrophe, prime (संबंध कारक का चिन्ह): apostrophe is to show that a thing or person belongs or relates to someone or something
We met at Ben’s party yesterday.

( '' ) Quotation mark (उद्धरण चिह्न): are punctuation marks used in pairs to mark a section of text as speech, a quotation, a phrase, or an unusual word.
"I hope you will be here," he said.

( ( ) ) Parenthesis (अंतर चिह्न): Parentheses are a pair of curved marks that are put around words or numbers to indicate that they are additional, separate, or less important.
The president (and his assistant) traveled by private jet.

( [ ] ) Square bracket\bracket (वर्गाकार कोष्ठक): are mainly used to enclose words added by someone other than the original writer or speaker, typically in order to clarify the situation:
He [the police officer] can’t prove they did it.

( { } ) Brace brackets (धनुकोष्ठक): Braces are also known as curly brackets "{ }".Braces are mostly used in music or poetry.
Music chords: [ {c, e, g} {e, g, c2} {g, c2, e2} ]

 ( < ) Less than sign: is used to compare numbers and expressions.It denotes an inequality between two values
Number 3 is less than number 12, 3<12

( > ) Greater than sign: is used to compare numbers and expressions
Number 3 is greater than number 1, 3>1

( $ ) Dollar sign (अमरीकी मुद्रा का चिह्न): used to indicate a price in dollars
I bought my daughter a new bike for $75


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